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The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by Joel Block Phd (Paperback)

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The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by  Joel Block Phd (Paperback)
The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by  Joel Block Phd (Paperback)
The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by  Joel Block Phd (Paperback)
The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by  Joel Block Phd (Paperback)
The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by  Joel Block Phd (Paperback)
The 15-Minute Relationship Fix - by  Joel Block Phd (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 120
Genre: Family + Relationships
Sub-Genre: Marriage & Long-Term Relationships
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Koehler Books
Age Range: Adult
Author: Joel Block Phd
Language: English

About the Book

Each of us longs to be loved and accepted for the person we truly are. There is no better opportunity than our love relationship for us to be fully ourselves. Ironically, since our partner is so central to our life, his or her validation becomes critical and we are inclined to hide our true self.

Book Synopsis

Each of us longs to be loved and accepted for the person we truly are. There is no better opportunity than our love relationship for us to be fully ourselves. Ironically, since our partner is so central to our life, his or her validation becomes critical and we are inclined to hide our true self. We become guarded from the most important person in our lives. The soul-baring intimacy and willingness to know and be known that made the beginning of love so passionate and exciting becomes simply functional. It is replaced with feelings of apprehension and guardedness. Over time we move from a passionate open relationship to one that is quietly cautious. It may work as a partnership, but the spark of the early years is down to embers, at best. You may wonder if it is possible to regain genuine connection. Dr. Joel Block, a psychologist specializing in work with couples for many years provides an effi cient, clinically tested program that he has used successfully with couples in his practice. It is not about trying to change each other, which is a waste of time. It is about understanding each other and ourselves at a deeper level than ever before.

Review Quotes

"Dr. Block helps us to navigate through relationship issues that have confused us from the beginning of time." --Karen Cooper, PsyD, clinical psychologist

"We were one of those couples that played it safe, speaking only about safe subjects. We went from cautious with each other to more relaxed and more open by following the guidelines in The 15-Minute Relationship Fix." --Tim and Andrea, married 16 years

"Dr. Joel Block's 15-Minute Relationship Fix is a practical means of enriching and strengthening intimate relationships. By giving themselves the 15-Minute Fix couples can make their intimate relationship complete and satisfying." --Dr. Daniel L. Araoz, board-certified psychologist and professor emeritus, Long Island University

"Dr. Block has transformed decades of psychological research into a brief, weekly practice with a huge return on investment. Busy, modern-day couples will find that the easy-to-follow guidelines of The 15-Minute Relationship Fix will not only increase intimacy and love satisfaction within their romantic relationships; the skills taught will improve emotional intelligence, and by extension one's ability to lead a satisfying, effective life." --Omyda Roundez, Ph.D., clinical psychologist

"Dr. Joel Block's 15 Minute Relationship Fix will be a boon to any couple who wishes to grow closer and more intimate. This book combines tried and true approaches with new research findings from the field of love and attachment. Couples who closely follow Dr. Block's detailed prescriptions can expect to reap both immediate and long - term rewards for the time they spend following his program. Notwithstanding it's title, this book requires effort and a willingness to take emotional risks. Those who do will be amply rewarded." --Ron Murphy, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

"In his typically clear concise style, Dr. Joel Block offers a useful quick guide for couples. The easy-to-read and digest tips about listening to each other and self-soothing can be easily put into action to perk up a relationship--and oneself." --Dr. Judy Kuriansky, professor, therapist, author of The Complete Idiots Guide to A Healthy Relationship

"Dr. Joel Block's 15-Minute Relationship Fix is not one of these. It is refreshingly candid, and offers practical strategies that anyone, in a relationship or hoping to be, can use to improve their lives. Dr. Block focuses on the key reasons couples lose connection and intimacy, illustrates them with dialog taken from real conversations and provides a series of straightforward steps that couples can use to discover their authentic and loving selves. Run, don't walk to your book seller and get a copy today, it will change your life." --Douglas A. Weiss, author of Life, Love and Internet Dating

"My husband and I had grown apart when we reached out to Dr. Block and were introduced to The 15-Minute Relationship Fix. Frankly, we were skeptical that our intimacy was going to be healed by a book. We were wrong! Following the guide brought us back to our early days of emotional intimacy." --Joan and Eric, together 23 years