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Testing for Kindergarten - by Karen Quinn (Paperback)

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Testing for Kindergarten - by  Karen Quinn (Paperback)
Testing for Kindergarten - by  Karen Quinn (Paperback)
Testing for Kindergarten - by  Karen Quinn (Paperback)
Testing for Kindergarten - by  Karen Quinn (Paperback)
Testing for Kindergarten - by  Karen Quinn (Paperback)
Testing for Kindergarten - by  Karen Quinn (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 256
Genre: Education
Sub-Genre: Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten)
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Touchstone Books
Age Range: Adult
Author: Karen Quinn
Language: English

About the Book

The first and only guide to preparing a child for kindergarten testing, from an expert in teaching parents how to work with their children.

Book Synopsis

Karen Quinn has successfully taught hundreds of parents how to prepare their children for testing, and Testing For Kindergarten is her ultimate, comprehensive guide to having fun while teaching to the underlying abilities every test assesses.

Whether your child is going to a private kindergarten or a public school, he or she will most likely be tested--and placed in classrooms according to those results. But information about intelligence tests is closely guarded, and it can be difficult to understand what your kids need to know.

As an expert who has successfully taught hundreds of parents how to work with their own children, Karen Quinn has written the ultimate guide to preparing your child for kindergarten testing. The activities she suggests are not about "teaching to the test." They are about having fun while teaching to the underlying abilities every test assesses.

From the "right" way to have a conversation to natural ways to bring out your child's inner math geek, Quinn shares the techniques that every parent can do with their kids to give them the best chance to succeed in school and beyond. It's just good parenting--and better test scores are icing on the cake.

Review Quotes

"Testing for Kindergarten tells you everything you need to know to help your child succeed in school and become a life-long learner. --Dr. Christianne Northrup

"It is the 'must have' book for every parent going through the kindergarten admissions process. The book is written with authority and experience from someone who knows what she is talking about. I will be recommending it to all parents of preschool children. --Lyss Stern, Founder of Divalysscious Moms and Editor In Chief of Observer Playground

"This book is a goldmine of information--an invaluable resource for parents of young children who want to ignite their children's learning. With a unique talent for combining the latest scientific knowledge with her own real-world experience, Karen Quinn pulls back the curtain, revealing what educators look for when making admissions and placement decisions."--Dr. Marion Blank, Director of A Light on Literacy Program at Columbia University

Balmex, baby wipes and this tell-all book...three diaper bag essentials for every mom (and dad). Karen Quinn cracks the kindergarten testing code, and now you can too! Her smart strategies and practical know-how will help you put your child on the path to school and life success. Wise, witty, and well-researched, it's like getting sage advice from a seasoned, savvy, sisterly mom friend who has done her homework. In a word....Testing for Kindergarten ROCKS!!--Robin Gorman Newman, founder, Motherhood Later...Than Sooner

Don't let the title fool you into assuming this is a book geared only for the wealthy elite who are fighting to get their kids into private schools -- regardless of whether your child will attend public or private school, this book is for you. I'm the Mom of a 2 yr old and 4 yr old who will with 100% certainty attend ordinary public school in the suburbs. This book explains for us regular parents just what a hard-core IQ test will cover, so we can gauge the preparation level of our tykes. Really and truly, this is a must-read for every Mom of a preschool-aged kids. Loved it!--Colleen Padilla, owner of

It's like cheating; it gives your child a leg up.--Victoria Goldman, author of Manhattan Family Guide to Private and Selective Public Schools and The Manhattan Directory of Private Nursery Schools

There are so many books on the market now on how to raise smarter kids - and we don't need another one! But that is not what this book is about. It is about how to get your child ready for kindergarten.... a huge difference! It is filled with common sense advice, excellent ideas, and no cost activities. As teachers we are always happy when it is apparent that parents are doing the right thing...and following the suggestions in Karen Quinn's book is the surefire way to get your little one on the path to school success! I highly recommend this book.--Judy Mumma, Kindergarten Teacher, Paulding Elementary School (Paulding, Ohio)

Until now, this information was only available to wealthy parents who hired consultants and tutors. With this book, Karen Quinn has leveled the playing field, making it possible for any parent to give their child an equal chance to get into the best possible school and to perform at the highest level. Whether you're thinking about public school, a gifted program, or private school, read this book!--Candice Carpenter Olson, co-founder of

"A Parent's Guide Testing For Kindergarten made me want to get back into the classroom. As a 30 year public school teaching veteran, I was shaking my head on almost every page because Karen Quinn got it so right. Not only is this a wonderful guide for parents, but it should be on the reading list for all prospective student teachers going into early childhood education. Well thought out, well organized and well done."--Bonnie Edelman, Kindergarten Teacher, Aurora Public School District (Colorado)

"Bravo to Karen Quinn for an amazingly straightforward read into an elusive topic. New parents not knowing about the world of private schools are often so riddled with anxiety when they come into my office. Now, it is as if Karen can counsel them directly with this amazing read--and it's healthier than Xanax!"--Jasmine Lake, Director of Admission, Miami Country Day School

"Thank you, Karen Quinn, for writing the only no-nonsense, beyond informative, useful, common-sense and often laugh-out-loud book whose approach to kindergarten testing (and learning, in general) will manage to assuage the fears of masses of well-intended parents. As a pediatrician, I will recommend this to all parents!"--Dr. Jamie Wells, Pediatrician, NYC

"This is an extraordinary book, without question the best work for parents on the subject of getting a mind ready for schooling. This work needs to be read and applied by every parent of every preschool child. ... The information is well grounded in science yet remarkably digestible and practical. Karen Quinn has made a terrific contribution, one that should enable countless minds to start school with the mental momentum they so need."--Mel Levine, M.D., author of A Mind at a Time