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Moving on - by Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)

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Moving on - by  Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)
Moving on - by  Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)
Moving on - by  Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)
Moving on - by  Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)
Moving on - by  Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)
Moving on - by  Russell Friedman & John W James (Paperback)
Number of Pages: 232
Genre: Family + Relationships
Sub-Genre: Love & Romance
Format: Paperback
Publisher: M. Evans and Company
Age Range: Adult
Author: Russell Friedman & John W James
Language: English

About the Book

In this groundbreaking book, two bestselling authors show readers how to move on from their unsuccessful past relationships and finally find the love of their lives.

Book Synopsis

In this groundbreaking book, authors Russell Friedman and John W. James show readers how to move on from their unsuccessful past relationships and finally find the love of their lives. Demonstrating revolutionary ideas that have worked for thousands of their clients at the Grief Recovery Institute, Friedman and James give readers the strategies they need to effectively mourn the loss of the relationship, while opening themselves up to love in the future. With compassionate guidance, Friedman and James help readers to close a chapter of their romantic past so that they can be ready to begin again.

Review Quotes

Some people think about changing, some people talk about changing, and there are those who actually take actions that lead to better results. If you're in that last category, Moving On spells out the actions that will help you change.--Dave Lakhani, author of Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want and The Power of an Hour

The relationship tools we have learned from Russell and John have deepened our love for one another as well as having profoundly enriched our marriage. All we can say is a very heartfelt "thank you" to them and a strong recommendation to anyone interested in having love in their lives to read this book.--Kathleen Silver, senior VP, real estate, and Geoffrey Silver, Ph.D., economist, Beverly Hills, CA

Everyone says, 'You have to let go and move on.' This book actually shows you how to do it.--Jane Seymour, Star of Wedding Crashers and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, and James Keach, Producer of Walk The Line

Friedman and James are in the life-changing business. Are you ready for your life to be changed? Take this book home and read it.--Roy H. Williams, author of People Stories; Inside the Outside and The Wizard of Ads trilogy

Moving On is required reading for my class, Getting Love Right: Romantic Relationships in Contemporary Society. It helps my students understand how nonaddressed and incomplete relationship problems always repeat, and how to avoid the pitfalls of carrying their incomplete pasts into their romantic future.--Bernard McGrane, Ph.D., professor of sociology, Chapman University

By adulthood, most people are experts at hiding their pain, even from themselves. Instead of dealing with it properly, they drag it from one relationship to the next. Friedman and James dispel those misguided notions, and give compassionate but firm instructions for uncovering and "completing" what they call "unfinished emotional business.--Kristin Taveira "Newsday "

About the Author

Russell Friedman and John W. James are the authors of the bestselling Grief Recovery Handbook and When Children Grieve. Together, they run the Grief Recovery Institute. Both authors live in Los Angeles.